Script & Storyboard
Before we started our script and storyboard we decided that we needed to research into our idea to make the script as realistic as we could but still providing a dramatic effect. When doing this, we looked on websites that deal with bullying like the NHS, Childine etc and found a list of symptoms that are common when somebody is being bullied. We then eliminated the symptoms that we are unable to do and narrowed down to a few behaviors/symptoms (it is useful to keep in mind that these are not all the symptoms of bulling and bullying takes on many different forms.
The behaviours that we believe we can include in our film are suddenly doing less well at school (we can show this by a report card), sleeping badly (we can show this by having our character have bags under their eyes), changes in behaviour (aggressive at home, changes in eating habbits and becoming withdrawn.
Below is mine and Danni's storyboad, we decided to split roles where Danni would do the script and I would do the storyboard. I have included a brief description under each page of the storyboard.

1. This first page of our storyboard is the foundation for our film; it includes the establishing shot and introduces the main character and her family, and shows that there is a tension between their relationship.
The second page of our storyboard shows our main character 'Ava' hesistant to go to school, and shows her emotions on the school bus when she is alone. It starts to give the audience the idea that she is being bullied.

3. The third page of our storyboard includes scenes of Ava on the bus and the introduction of a new character (Ava's best friend, Louise) and this is where we see bullying for the first time; in the classroom scene and on the bus

4. This is where we see Ava and Louise having their arguement, Ava eating lunch alone and getting the bus home alone. These scenes truly highlight the isolation Ava goes through

5. These scenes set up the basis of our final scene and story ending as it shows the after effects of bullying and when even Ava's mother is uninterested in her problems it shows the only way out is to save herself.
6. These are the last six scenes of our film, showing Ava saving herself from the bullies and running away to find a new start.