When Danni and I came to deciding what music to use in our film if we used any we were stuck. At first we didn't want our film to be too dramatic and have dramatic music but we still wanted to follow the conventions of a drama film. We also couldn't find any royalty free music that suited our film so we decided to look at non-royalty free music and decided we would apply to the companies to use it. The two songs that we considered using was Coldplay- Paradise & Daughter - Run

This was the email we sent to the record company '4AD requesting to use their song run by the artist on their label 'Daughter'
Why we liked this song: We liked this song because the lyrics sort of synchronized with the story line, the idea of running from your problems like Ava runs from hers. Also, the music wasn't too upbeat so it didn't rouse the wrong emotions from an audience. It also meets all the conventions of a drama film and when we put it on the final cut-pro timeline over the film and cropped it all down, it was a good match unlike other songs we have tried.
Why we didn't chose this song: We didn't chose this song because we found that even though the lyrics were relevant to our film the song itself, sounded too upbeat. For a short time we did look at piano covers by coldplay , acoustic versions and Yo-Tube covers but there were none that stood out to us. We then eliminated this song from our ideas.
All our sound effects were from final cut-pro therefore were all already royalty free. We used sound effects for many different things; for example, we had a scene where it was windy so we had to remove all the sound and that made the film look unnatural and the sudden change to no volume didn't make any sense. So we decided to edit in some footsteps, then edited in some wild-life.