There are numerous places that Danni and I have included in our script for us to film in. The locations we plan on filming in are as follows, in order:
1. Danni's house
1.2 Danni's room
1.3 Danni's stairs
1.4 Danni's bathroom
1.5 Danni's kitchen
2. Outside Danni's house (walking)
3. The bus stop near Danni's hous
4. On the bus (morebus route 4)
5. School bus stop
6. Outside School
7. Inside school
7.2 Classroom
7.3 Playground
7.4 Hallway
7.5 Toilet
8 Outside school
9 Bus
10- Home.

This location is where our film comes to an end- Ava runs away from home and from her problems hopeful of somewhere to start fresh. Where we live we have about five train stations within a 15 minute radius of each other. We chose to use Poole instead of Branksome, Bournemouth, Wareham or Hamworthy because it had a big walk bridge over the train station which unlike most of the bridges at train stations now is open headed and doesn't have wire on the side so we were able to place our camera on the side and get some Birds eye shots, High angle shots and panning shots.
Danni and I had to email the Morebus company to ask them if it was okay to film on their buses for permission and so they could include any information that may valuable to add to our risk assessment. They told us it was okay to film but we had to have this email on us in case we were to be questioned. We also called up south west trains and asked them if it was okay for us to film in their station as online it said we had to apply through a written letter for filming permission and at some stations we would have to pay, however in the end we were given permission for no longer than 10 minutes for free as we are students.
However, when actually filming this list changed dramatically

This was a still from our first day of filming and was the first bus we got on, the second bus is the one where we actually did all our filming. We chose to use a double-Decker bus because they're bigger and the top section is usually empty, we also got a less popular route so not as many people would be on the bus. Also, the double-Decker gave us more room for different shots. For example, we managed to do a high angle shot of Ava walking up the stairs which we wouldn't have been able to do on a normal bus.

This location in the film is Ava's bedroom and holds our establishing shot, it is actually Danni's bedroom but this is good because it means we were able to personalise it and edit it to suit the film how we wanted. As Ava is a teen anyway we just wanted a teenagers bedroom e.g. Posters, desk, bed etc. My room is not like that and is too small to film in anyway but Danni's bedroom is full of posters. All we had to do was take pictures down of friends and take a big poster on the wall that had no relevance to our film but dominated the screen as it was black and bold. This is an important location as it sets up the beginning of the film and also sets up the endings, as in most drama films locations re-occur and open and end with the same scene or location.

This location is a shot of our school, where Ava and Louise have their argument and where we see Ava entering and leaving school. This location is a hot spot for the continuity of the film as it opens and closes certain parts of the film. When we were filming we alerted the office just so teachers and grounds crew knew that we would be filming during the day as obviously students have to be safe guarded and have to have permission to be filmed in school so we didn't want to worry any teachers that we were secretly filming students.