Ancillary Project- Poster
A thousand times goodnight - 2013 Drama film,
The main colors in this poster remind me of natural elements- sandy oranges, yellow , white and blue which portrays to the viewing population that the film is set in a desert. The camera is used as a symbol - to portray the audience what the film may be about. For example, I straight away guessed it was a film about war because of the people in the background and the make shift town/destroyed shelters as well as it being a sandy area, implying its somewhere eastern. So with the idea that the film is about war, and symbol of the camera I guessed the actor in focus on the poster was/is a war photographer and thats what the story tells us. The background of the poster looks like a desert/refugee camp, in a war torn country and this is represented photographically. Messages in the poster are represented visually not verbally, nothing specific though; just hints at what the film may be about. The target audience for this film is adults, especially older adults as they're more interested in serious dramas and war films. The images bring out elements of each other by having quite a dull background and then a bold figure in focus which creates a dramatic effect, the white clothes with the black camera on top also creates dramatic effect and pulls your attention the camera.

For our own poster, we used iPiccy, an online website. We decided to use this as it was free and enabled us to do everything we needed to, To make our poster more effective, we added a black eye to Ava's face in the mirror. This shows to audiences what our film is about. We also copied most posters and added what other films we have done, so we included 'From the directors of Clubbing' to link in our other film. This made it look more professional. We tried to link the poster with the magazine review. This was done by using the same picture, and also the use of the colour. The title of the poster was done in purple. and we matched this on our review. We also made the headings in our review purple, however it wasn't the exact shade, however it was similar.
One problem we did face with the poster was the colour of the writing. As the colour of Lauren's hair is quite dark, we tried to find a colour that you could see clearly, however this was near impossible as the background is light. Therefore, black was the only colour that we could use that was visible. We tried to minimise this by blurring the back of Ava's head with the blur effect on iPiccy.