1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Or copy and paste this link if the button does not work; http://prezi.com/8nwsq3dtisdm/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
This is question 1, Danni and I decided to use a press to present Question 1. However, after using the Prezi we realised that you couldn't automatically upload it to wix. Therefore, we researched into screen recorders and downloaded one and recorded our prezi presentation on automatic play. However, this may be a bit too fast to read so we have included the link to the powerpoint or you can pause the video on textbits and press play again when you're ready. However, after recording the presentation we realised there was an error in the Question 1; I had wrote thriller instead of drama in the plots section.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?
When we made our ancillary products (our magazine review and poster) we felt like it would be more effective if they linked with our main product (our 5 minute film.) This could be done through the use of costume, lighting and colours.
When we created the poster, we used a still from the 5 minute film where Ava is getting ready for school and she is ‘staring’ into the mirror. This meant that she had the same costume. This shows that the poster is for our film, and not for another film, rather than confusing viewers. We also used this photo as the header for our magazine review, to create a cohesion between all the products that we made. This creates our brand of our film, so that audiences would recognise our film and ancillary products.
We also used another still from the film in the review. We used the still of the bully (Rachel) hitting Ava (Lauren) in the flashback. We used the unfiltered version. This can create a link between the ancillary products and the film, as people would recognise the still.
During the making of the ancillary texts, we also used the same colours. Purple was used to create the title of our poster ‘Ava’ and it was also used in the title of our magazine review. So for example, the purple we used for the title of our poster was also used for the headings for the review. Also, with the ancillary products, we created a cohesion between the reviews. So, for example with the poster, there was a 3 star review from the empire, and we included this one in our magazine review as it was written by Empire
Audience Feedback:
Alice- ‘The film and the supporting texts work well together, and it snapshots the true story of the film’
Rachel- ‘The poster has a very accurate portrayal of the film and sets up a predetermined mindset of tension. I enjoyed the interview of the directors in the review.’
In my opinion, our ancillary products work well with our main product, due to the use of the still used. Without this, the audiences would not recognise the film poster, and that it is linked to our film. Also, the use of the main character used on both the ancillary products also means that she is recognisable for the audiences that have watched the film, and she may be a USP.

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Question 3 was presented using Canva, an online website where you can make presentations for free. The video was made using a downloaded computer app from the web called Filmora, a simple video editing software which had everything we needed. However, as we did not register for a membership the video is watermarked, but that is okay because the video is for audio purposes not visual ones.
4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Question 4 was made using Microsoft Powerpoint